Saturday, 8 June 2013
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Friday, 31 May 2013
Monday, 27 May 2013
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
The Reasons to Love Red Cabbage!
Cancer Prevention
Juicing with red cabbage:
Red Cabbage counts as a “green” for your green juice!
- 6 carrots
- 2 apples
- 1 small wedge red cabbage
- 1 inch ginger
- 3-4 carrots
- 2-3 stalks of celery
- I small wedge of red cabbage
- 2 cups red grapes
- 1 cup blueberries
- ½ red cabbage
- 4 celery stalks
- 8oz of sparkling water (or filtered water)
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
World's most expensive Cheese: Made from Donkey's Milk!
It is said that Cleopatra, Queen of Ancient Egypt, took baths in donkey's milk to preserve the beauty and youth of her skin. Legend has it that no less than 700 donkeys were needed to provide the quantity of milk necessary for her daily bath.
You could never imagine it but still it is true. Serbia produces the world's most expensive and rare cheese, that too from donkey's milk. The cheese, called Pule.
Donkey cheese is produced at only one farm in Serbia and is one of the world's most expensive foods.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
The Secret to a Healthy Body!
Some people are tall, some are short, some people have curvy figures, others are straight and angular, and some people are naturally thin while others are genetically programmed to hold on to fat. So just what is normal?
A normal body is a healthy body and what is healthy varies from individual to individual. A healthy body is best determined by looking at a comparison of height, weight, body fat ratio, fitness, diet and hydration.
Monday, 6 May 2013
Health Benefits Of Carrots!
Naturally sweet, delicious and crunchy, carrots are healthy additions you can make to the vegetable list in your diet. Indeed, these root vegetables come with wholesome health benefiting compounds such as beta-carotenes, vitamin A, minerals and anti-oxidants in ample amounts.
- They are exceptionally rich source of carotenes and vitamin-A. 100 g fresh carrot contains 8285 µg of beta-carotene and 16706 IU of vitamin A. Studies have found that flavonoid compounds in carrots help protect from skin, lung and oral cavity cancers.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
فيديو: لقاء باسم يوسف مع جون ستيوارت .. جديد
حبس الجمهور الأمريكي أنفاسه عند متابعته لجون استيورت في برنامجه الشهير”زادايلي شو” بدخول بودي جاردات يقومون بتفتيش الأستوديو وجون استيورت تفتيشا ذاتيا ، قبل ظهور باسم يوسف ، وسرعان ما أنفجر الجمهور ضحكا عند ظهور باسم يوسف ليدركوا أن ذلك خدعة يقصد بها سخرية المذيع المصري من إجراءات الأمن في أمريكا.
وكعادته الساخرة لم ينسي باسم يوسف أن يسخر حتى من جون ستيوارت نفسه( أشهر مقدم برامج ساخرة في العالم) بقولة لقد أصبحت أشعر بالخوف في أمريكا وأخشى منكم، فانفعل ستيوارت وقال “هل تخاف منا، نحن من يجب أن نخاف منك ألا تعرف من أين أتيت”، في إشارة إلى الإرهاب في الشرق الأوسط، فقال يوسف ساخرا لقد أتيت من غير حجاب.
واستقبل الجمهور الأمريكي باسم يوسف بحماس زائد ضيفا على جون ستيوارت في برنامجه الشهير ” ذا دايلي شو” احتفالا به كواحد من أفضل 100 شخصية في العالم تأثيرا وفق مجلة التايم الأمريكية
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Health Benefits of Mangos!
“The king of the fruits," mango fruit is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavor, fragrance, taste, and heath promoting qualities making it a common ingredient in new functional foods often labeled “super fruits."
Health benefits of Mangoes
1. Prevents Cancer:
Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes.
2. Lowers Cholesterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein (the bad stuff)
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Watermelon Health Benefits & nutrition facts!
Watermelon has BIG benefits. Turns out this sweet and juicy treat is loaded with a compound that increases blood flow, much the same way Viagra and other "performance" drugs do!
Did you know that is it also nutrition packed too? Yes, watermelon is 92 percent water, but that other 8 percent is filled with good nutrition and amazing health benefits; so many benefits that we consider it a power food and give weekend web Watermelon Boot Camps with it.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Is the Popcorn Diet Healthy?
There is a weight loss diet that focuses on just about every type of food out there, and popcorn is no exception. Popcorn is a handy food that is inexpensive, easy to make and high in fiber. Eating popcorn regularly, as long as there isn't butter or excessive salt added, can be part of a healthy, low-calorie diet for weight loss.
Buy a hot air popper and popcorn kernels, and use those items to make popcorn instead of using microwave popcorn in your diet. Pop the popcorn without using oil to keep it low-calorie.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
فيديو: لقاء باسم يوسف على قناة فرانس 24
في حوار أجرته قناة "فرانس 24" مع الإعلامي الساخر باسم يوسف، بعد تصنيفه ضمن قائمة أكثر 100 شخصية مؤثرة في العالم، صحح الإعلامي الساخر لمذيع القناة ما قاله عن تركيز سخريته على الإسلام والرئيس مرسي بقوله " أنا لا أسخر من الإسلام لأنني مسلم، بل أسخر من هؤلاء الذين يؤذونه ويشوهون صورته".
وتابع يوسف حديثه مع القناة الفرنسية قائلاً إنه لاينتقد الرئيس مرسي لذاته، بل لكونه في السلطة، وأشار إلى أنه كان ينتقد ويسخر من المجلس العسكري الذي تولى السلطة في مصر عقب الإطاحة بالرئيس حسني مبارك.
وسأله "دوجلاس هيربارت" عن استجوابه أمام القضاء والتحريات التي تجرى عنه الآن قائلاً "ألم يتعهد الرئيس مرسي بضمان حرية التعبير"، رد عليه باسم يوسف "هذه لعبة قديمة تعودنا عليها من أيام مبارك، فالرئيس لم يتقدم بالبلاغ بنفسه، لكنه مسؤول عن خلق هذا الجو المشحون الذي يسمح بمقاضاة الإعلاميين".
ونفى يوسف أن يكون هناك حراس شخصيين له، وقال إنه حينما يجد الناس شخصاً مخلصا لهم، ويقدم لهم عملاً جيداً عالي الجودة يقومون هم بحمايته.
وحينما سأله دوجلاس عما إذا كان الرئيس مرسي يغضب من سخريته منه، قال باسم إنه لايعرف إذا كان الرئيس مرسي يشاهد برنامجه أم لا، وتابع قائلاً "ربما يشاهد برنامجي ويضحك في السر، مثل الكثير من السلفيين والإسلاميين الذين يشاهدون البرنامج في منازلهم ولا يتكلمون عنه في العلن".
ويذكر أن الإعلام الأمريكي الساخر جون ستيوارت سيستضيف باسم يوسف الأربعاء المقبل في برنامجه "ديلي شو" بمناسبه تصنيفه ضمن أكثر 100 شخصية مؤثرة في العالم.
Health Benefits of Raisins!
Raisins are very good for our health, in fact, they are considered to be one of the most nutritious dried fruits in the world.
Brain Food
One of the interesting health benefits of raisins is that it is a great brain food. Raisins contain high amounts of boron that is an essential mineral for a well-functioning brain. 100mg of raisins contains 2.2mg of boron, which is a potent brain-boosting mineral. Boron improves concentration, hand-eye co-ordination and enhances memory. Additionally, boron also helps promote the functioning of important minerals such as calcium and magnesium.
Blood Pressure
Raisins not only help purify blood and eliminate toxins but they also help reduce high levels of blood pressure. There is a significant amount of Potassium, a potent mineral said to be able to help lower blood pressure, in raisins. Potassium also helps keep in check the sodium levels in our body. Too much sodium in the body is one of the root causes of high blood pressure.
Friday, 19 April 2013
باسم يوسف ضمن أكثر مائة شخصية تأثيرا في العالم
القاهرة - أحمد عبد الوهاب - أعلنت مجلة "التايم" الأميركية قائمة الـ100 شخصية، الأكثر تأثيراً في العالم، حيث ضمت باسم يوسف في فئة "الرواد"، وذلك إلى جانب عدد كبير من الشخصيات من بينهم الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما. وكان جون ستيورات مقدم برنامج "The Daily Show" قد كتب نبذة عن باسم قائلاً " يقوم بالعمل نفسه الذي أقوم به في مصر، والفرق الوحيد بيني وبينه أنه يقدم سخريته في بلد لا يزال يختبر حدود الحرية التي دفع ثمنها غالياً".ومن ناحية أخرى، وعلى الرغم من البلاغات التي تقدم بشكل شبه يومي تجاه باسم يوسف، فإن مقدم برنامج "البرنامج"، يجد دائماً مساندة من جمهوره قد تدفعه إلى الاستمرار فيما يقدمه دون الالتفات إلى تلك البلاغات، وكان آخر هذه الحملات هو الفيديو الذي قدمته شركة "خرابيش" مساء أمس الأربعاء، وحمل اسم "اتجنن" كمساندة منها لباسم يوسف، وهو الفيديو الذي يسير على نهج إحدى الحملات الدعائية التي ظهرت مؤخراً لإحدى شركات المياه الغازية "استمر في طريقك".حاول الفيديو الذي طرح أن يتناول ما يقدمه باسم يوسف على مدار عامين كاملين، مطالبي إياه بأن يستمر فيما يقدمه، وأن يثبت على موقفه، حيث بدأ الفيديو بمقولة "لو جنان أنك تضحك الناس على همومها.. اتجنن".كما تطرق الفيديو إلى ثبات باسم على موقفه دائماً وعدم تغييره لها، منذ أن كان البرنامج يقدم عبر قناة "On Tv"، مستشهدين بالحلقة التي تناول فيها كافة المرشحين لرئاسة الجمهورية، ثم تحولوا إلى قناة "CBC" التي يعرض عبرها البرنامج في الوقت الحالي، وقيامه بالسخرية من مقدمي البرامج بها في أول حلقة، وكذلك الحلقة التي تناول فيها "سلطانية" الرئيس مرسي، وتم تحويله للنائب العام بعدها، وما قام به محبوه من حملة تغيير صورهم إلى صورة باسم وهو يرتدي السلطانية لمؤازرته فيما تم توجيهه إليه من اتهامات.
راحة لبعض الوقت
من جهة أخرى، أعلن باسم يوسف أن حلقة الغد من البرنامج ستكون هي الحلقة الأخيرة قبل الحصول على راحة تمتد لثلاثة أسابيع، يسافر فيها خارج مصر، وبالتحديد إلى العاصمة الفرنسية باريس لحضور الأسبوع العربي هناك، مشيراً إلى أن طاقم البرنامج لم يحصل على راحة منذ أغسطس الماضي، وهو ما يجعلهم في سبب حقيقي للراحة.
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Health Benefits of Eating Kiwi Fruit Daily!
Monday, 15 April 2013
Amazing health benefits of bananas!
bananas have more nutrients and vitamins than apples. Its consumption can help people live healthier and more active lives through taking advantage of the energy and health benefits it can provide. Fresh bananas provide adequate levels of minerals like copper, magnesium, and manganese. Copper, along with iron, is necessary to produce hemoglobin.
Health benefits of banana fruit:
Keep blood pressure under check
Bananas are very rich in potassium yet almost completely devoid of sodium, and as such very well suitable to preventing high levels of blood pressure from overcoming the body. Blood pressure is one of the leading risk factors and indicator for heart disease.
Sunday, 14 April 2013
video: HD / Hydrophobic dry nanotechnology [Amazing]!
Nanotechnology is a powerful new technology for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic and molecular level. Nanotechnology embodies the dream that scientists can remake the world from the atom up, using atomic level manipulation to transform and construct a wide range of new materials, devices, living organisms and technological systems.
Friday, 12 April 2013
فيديو: باسم يوسف - البرنامج - حلقة 21 - الجزء الثاني 12/04/2013
فيديو:باسم يوسف - البرنامج -حلقة 21 - الجزء اﻷول 12/04/2013
Saturday, 6 April 2013
قناة الجزيرة: مرسي وعد السودان بإعادة حلايب وشلاتين لوضعه قبل عام 95
كتبت- منة مجدي:
نقل موقع الجزيرة نت عن موسى محمد أحمد مساعد الرئيس السوداني قوله إن الرئاسة السودانية تلقت وعداً قاطعاً من الرئيس المصري محمد مرسي بإعادة مثلث حلايب إلى حاله قبل العام 1995, وأكد للصحفيين أن مرسي وعد بإزالة الاحتقان وتذليل كل العقبات في هذا المثلث.
من جهته, قال مساعد رئيس الجمهورية نافع علي نافع إن حديث الرئيسين تناول اجتماعا مرتقبا للأحزاب الأفريقية بالسودان خلال الفترة المقبلة، نافيا تطرق الطرفين لما أثارته الحكومة السودانية من قبل بشأن استضافة القاهرة لعناصر من حركة العدل والمساواة المتمردة بدارفور, مشيرا إلى أن "موضوع الحركات المسلحة التي استضيفت في القاهرة غير مقلق بالنسبة لنا".
Friday, 5 April 2013
فيديو: البرنامج - باسم يوسف - حلقة ٢٠ كاملة 5/4/2013
فيديو : البرنامج - باسم يوسف - حلقة ٢٠ - 5/4/2013 - الجزء الأول
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
Solar energy: Saudi Arabia is shining as key growth market!
By Alexander Lenz, Arab News
Saudi Arabia is planning to invest $ 109 billion over the next 20 years in order to take advantage of its excellent solar resources and diversify its energy mix, according to Alexander Lenz, president — the Middle East and Southeast Asia region, Conergy Asia & ME Pte. Ltd. This is because the “Kingdom believes sustainable energy is imperative for its future growth,” Lenz told Khalil Hanware of Arab News in an exclusive interview.
“They (the Kingdom) plan to purchase electricity generated not only from solar resources (PV and solar thermal) but also wind, geothermal and waste-to-energy plants. Their cumulative target of renewable capacity is anticipated to be more than 54,000 megawatts by 2032 with 41,000 coming from solar,” said Lenz, who previously held senior corporate management roles with Conergy AG as VP of business development.
Following are excerpts from the interview:
9 Health Benefits of Almonds!
By Diana Herrington,
Do you know how beneficial almonds are for your health?
Almonds are my favorite nut. Most mornings I add 7 to 10 almonds to my breakfast. Almonds are tasty and nutritious as most people will agree.
9 Health Benefits of Almonds:
1. They reduce heart attack risk.
Those who consume nuts five times a week have about a 50 percent reduction in risk of heart attack according to the Loma Linda School of Public Health.
2. They lower ‘bad’ cholesterol.
Almonds added to the diet have a favorable effect on blood cholesterol levels, according to a clinical study by Dr. Gene Spiller, Director of the Health Research and Studies Center, Inc.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
فيديو: مناظرة باسم يوسف Bassem Youssef والقيادي السلفي ناجح ابراهيم في الجامعة الامريكية
كتبت- آية رمزي:
استضافت الجامعة الأمريكية بالقاهرة الجديدة، مناظرة بين كل من د. باسم يوسف الإعلامى الساخر ومقدم برنامج البرنامج، ود. ناجح إبراهيم القيادى بالجماعة الإسلامية، تحت عنوان ''الهجاء السياسي: بين التأييد والتجاهل''، وأدار الحوار الإعلامى حافظ الميرازى.
وقال د. ناجح إبراهيم خلال المناظرة إن بعض الإعلاميين والعلمانيين يختلط عليهم بعض الأشياء ما بين نقد الإسلاميين ونقد دين الإسلام، مشيراً إلى أنه لابد من أن يضعوا حداً فاصلاً ببن الإسلام المعصوم، والإسلاميين الغير معصومين.
وأكد د. إبراهيم أن النقد البناء لا علاقة له بالسخرية، مضيفاً '' النقد دواء مر فلا تزيدوا مرارته، باستهداف حياة الإنسان الخاصة والذاتية''.
Monday, 1 April 2013
6 Tips to Increase Productivity and Improve Your Organizational Skills!
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Here are six time management tips that you can use to improve your organizational skills and increase productivity. The more of these tools you learn to use, the more that you will get done each day.
Time Management Tip #1: Prepare in Advance
First, prepare your work list for the following day the evening or night before. The best exercise for you is to plan your entire next day as the last thing you do before coming home from work. When you plan your day the night before, your subconscious then goes to work on your plans and goals while you are asleep. Very often you will wake up in the morning with ideas and insights that apply to the work of the day.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Top 10 Health Benefits Of Olive Oil!
Olive oil is pressed from olives, which are mainly grown in the Mediterranean area. The oil is widely used throughout the world in cooking and baking, soaps and cosmetics, as well as in prescription drugs. Olive oil is available in several different grades, such as extra-virgin, virgin, pure, as well as refined olive oil.
Cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil is the healthiest, because it comes from the first pressing and is darker in color. The darker oils naturally are more expensive, but the benefits associated with them are well worth the extra price.
1. Naturally Nutritious
Cold pressed olive oil is all natural, and has not been exposed to heat or any other ingredients. This process leaves all the nutrients and antioxidants in their natural state, so that your body can obtain maximum benefits. The oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E and K. It is also high in omega fatty acids and antioxidants. These nutrients work together for the overall health of the body.
باسم يوسف يغادر دار القضاء العالي بعد إخلاء سبيله وسط هتافات المتضامنين معه
غادر الإعلامي باسم يوسف، دار القضاء العالي، الأحد، عقب انتهاء التحقيقات معه، وصدور قرار النائب العام بإخلاء سبيله، بكفالة 15 ألف جنيه.
وردد المئات من المتضامنين معه هتافات: «بنحبك يا باسم»، و«كلنا باسم يوسف»، و«إنت صوت الحق إنت صوتنا يا باسم».
وقام عدد من المشاركين بالرقص، معبرين عن فرحتهم بإخلاء سبيله.
كان المستشار محمد السيد خليفة، المحامي العام الأول بالمكتب الفني للنائب العام، قرر إخلاء سبيل الإعلامي باسم يوسف بكفالة 15 ألف جنيه، على ذمة التحقيقات في اتهامه بإهانة رئيس الجمهورية، وتسببه في حالة من الغضب الشعبي تجاه الرئيس محمد مرسي، وازدراء الإسلام ونشر أكاذيب.
ووصل باسم يوسف إلى مكتب النائب العام، صباح الأحد، مرتديًا القبعة الشهيرة التي ظهر بها في إحدى حلقاته، تعليقًا على القبعة التي ارتداها الرئيس محمد مرسي، أثناء حصوله على الدكتوراة الفخرية في الفلسفة من باكستان.
المصدر : المصري اليوم
وعود محمد مرسي قبل الرئاسة - نجاح أم فشل؟
في مقال للرئيس المصري الحالي محمد مرسي قبل أكثر من عام وقبل توليه الرئاسة ، تناول فيه رؤية حزب الحرية والعدالة - الذراع السياسية للإخوان المسلمين - والذي كان يترأسه في ذلك الوقت ، وتكلم في المقال عن اثني عشر قضية تؤرق بال المصريين وذكر أن الحزب لديه تصورات موضوعية لحل هذه المشكلات .. فهل حقق الحزب الحاكم ما وعد به الشعب المصري ؟! أم أنه وعد بأكثر مما يستطيع تحقيقه؟ والآن مع المقال:
[caption id="attachment_563" align="alignright" width="268"]
بقلم / محمد مرسي[/caption]
نجحت ثورة 25 يناير المباركة في أن تسقط نظاما فاسدا استبد بأبناء مصر أعواما عديدة، وسينجح الشعب المصري صاحب الحضارة العريقة - بإذن الله - في إسقاط منظومة الفساد التي استشرت في شرايين المجتمع المصري وأسهمت بشكل كبير في تأخرنا سياسيًّا واقتصاديًّا واجتماعيًّا وثقافيًّا.. ولذلك كان إعلان جماعة الإخوان المسلمين عن تأسيس حزب الحرية والعدالة الذي يحمل على عاتقه مع باقي أبناء الشعب المصري: بناء دولة ديمقراطية وطنية دستورية حديثة، تعبر عن إرادة الناس، وإصلاح ما أفسده الطغاة بمشاركة كل طاقات وإبداعات المخلصين الأقوياء من أبناء الأمة في كل المجالات، ووضع دستور جديد، ومواجهة كل القوانين التي سمحت بالظلم والاستبداد، ووضع علاج سريع للبطالة والفقر، والصحة والتعليم وغيرها من المشكلات الملحة التي يعاني منها المصريون.
Saturday, 30 March 2013
فيديو: البرنامج - باسم يوسف Basem Yousef - حلقة ١٩- Mar 29,2013 -الجزء الأول
فيديو: البرنامج -حلقة ١٩ باسم يوسف Basem Yousef 29 Mar,2013 الجزء الثاني
Friday, 29 March 2013
مقال محمد مرسي: الشعب المصري ملتزم بقرار الجماعة
[caption id="attachment_551" align="alignright" width="115"]
«لن يبقى بجماعة الإخوان المسلمين إلا المتردية والنطيحة وما أكل السبع».
قد تتصور أن هذه العبارة أطلقها رفعت السعيد في مقال له بجريدة الأهالي ولكن الحقيقة أنها ليوسف القرضاوي مخاطبًا مكتب إرشاد الإخوان في رسالة نشرها موقعه الرسمي في أكتوبر 2009.
مكتب إرشاد الإخوان لم يهتم بالرسالة، ورشح لرئاسة مصر واحدًا ممن وصفهم القرضاوي بشيء ما.
محمد مرسي واحد منهم، يعمل من أجل جماعة قوية، ويرى أن النهضة إدارة شعب.. لكن الصدمة آتية لا ريب فيها.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Health Benefits of Walnuts!
Walnuts are revered since ancient times as a symbol of intellectuality, since their kernels have convoluted surface inside the shell resembling as that of brain! The nuts are enriched with many health-benefiting nutrients, especially Ω-3 fatty acids that are essential for optimum health.
- The nuts are rich source of energy and contain health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.
- They are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (about 72%) like oleic acid and an excellent source of all important omega-3 essential fatty acids like linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) and arachidonic acids. Regular intake of walnuts in the diet helps to lower total as well as LDL or “bad cholesterol” and increases HDL or “good cholesterol” levels in the blood. Research studies suggest that Mediterranean diet that is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids help to prevent coronary artery disease and strokes by favoring healthy blood lipid profile.
Friday, 22 March 2013
فيديو: باسم يوسف Bassem Youssef 22 Mar 2013 البرنامج حلقة ١٨ كاملة
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Why Whole Milk is the Healthiest Choice?
I drink whole milk and eat full-fat yogurt, cream cheese, and sour cream. Sure, full-fat dairy products taste better than the skim/fat-free versions, but I don’t eat them for the taste. I eat full-fat dairy because it’s better for my health and my weight.
Yep, you heard me right: I eat dairy products with all the fat god gave ‘em, and I do it because it’s good for me.
Here’s why:
1. Our bodies cannot digest the protein or absorb the calcium from milk without the fat.
2. Vitamins A and D are also fat-soluble. So you can’t absorb them from milk when all the fat has been skimmed off. (This makes fortified skim milk the biggest sham of all — you can pump fat-free milk full of a year’s supply of vitamins A and D, but the body can’t access them).
3. Milk fat contains glycosphingolipids, types of fats linked to immune system health and cell metabolism.
1. EAT ONLY WHEN TRULY HUNGRY. Mouth waters, hunger in throat, tongue is pink & clear. Happy & relaxed. Food digest well—no bloating or fatigue after meals. Overeating is indulging in sensual mind appetite—causing body illness & spiritual insensitivity.
2. PROPER ACID/ALKALINE & YIN/YANG BALANCE. Eat more raw fruits & vegetables with some cooked foods in warm/hot weather. You can eat more cooked grains, soups, beans, casseroles in winter, & less raw foods to keep warm & good internal balance in cold weather.
3. EAT ONLY WHOLE NATURAL FOODS MOSTLY. Choose whole grains cooked: wheat, brown rice, millet, oats, corn, buckwheat, barley & rye. Eat fresh organic chemical-free vegetables & fruits, seeds & nuts. Avoid processed & preserved foods. Use Sea Vegetables—rich in minerals & very healthy for immunity & organs.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Nutritional Benefits of Wheat Germ!
A storehouse of essential nutrients, wheat germ is one healthy addition you can make to your diet. Here is a quick read on the health benefits of eating wheat germ.
The general term 'germ' refers to the core embryo or the kernel of a wheat grain. It is a rich source of protein, fiber, unsaturated fat, vitamin E, omega-3 / 6 fatty acids, vitamin B1, B2, B6 phosphorus, zinc, thiamine, magnesium, folic acid, and pantothenic acid.
The Goodness of Wheat Germ
1- Wheat germ helps in reducing blood cholesterol levels hence reducing the risks of further cardiovascular problems.
2- It helps to improve the storage of energy in muscles and also enhances the endurance and overall stamina of the body.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Is Sesame Oil Healthy?
Sesame oil has been used for centuries in Asian cuisine. It has also been commonly used for medicinal purposes, especially in Ayurvedic medicine. It has a subtle nutty flavor and is used both as a cooking oil and condiment. Sesame oil is made from toasted and untoasted sesame seeds, with the oil from toasted seeds possessing a stronger sesame flavor. Sesame oil also has many health benefits that make it a good alternative oil to use in moderation.
Good Fats
Sesame oil is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. According to, eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats helps cholesterol levels, lowers your risk of heart disease and reduces your risk for type 2 diabetes. Eating polyunsaturated fats has also been credited with reducing the risk for developing dementia. In a 2010 article in the “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease,” researchers found that elderly people who consumed higher amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats had a reduced likelihood of developing mild cognitive impairment, a precursor for dementia.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
6 Amazing Benefits of Juicing Vegetables!
Why did we hate certain vegetables as kids? This could have been due to the preparation of the veggies. Perhaps they were canned, frozen, or overcooked. Yes, raw veggies can be an acquired taste after maintaining unhealthy diets for years. However, juicing vegetables produces a tasty and healthy drink.
Here are some of the biggest benefits:
1. Juicing optimizes the quantity of vegetables that you consume
It’s now recommended that we consume at least five full servings of vegetables every day, but it's much more practical to juice than to eat two, three, or four pounds of veggies daily!
8 Health Benefits of Ginger Tea!
Ginger is brown, fleshy, and has a pungent smell and a scorching taste. It is valued for its wondrous qualities that help cure a number of common diseases. Best consumed as tea, ginger is a perfect source of a number of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and magnesium. Ginger tea is best prepared with honey, lemon juice or peppermint. With all of the great benefits it offers, you can never go wrong with drinking a cup of ginger tea. Here are several of the known benefits of ginger tea.
1. Impedes Motion Sickness
Ginger tea can soothe nerves and prevent vomiting, as well as eradicate headaches and migraines. It also keeps you from being nauseous during a trip, so drink a cup of ginger tea before setting off on your travels.
2. Combats Stomach Discomfort
Ginger tea is ideal in assisting digestion, thereby improving food absorption and avoiding possible tummy aches from too much food intake. Unnecessary belching can also be thwarted by ginger tea. What’s more, ginger tea enhances your appetite when you’re feeling bloated, by helping to release gastric acids that aid in digestion.
Saturday, 16 March 2013
The Powerful Health Benefits of the Pomegranate!
If you're not familiar with the pomegranate, it is a red fruit with a tough outer layer; only the juice and the seeds inside are edible. Pomegranate juice is available year round, but you can purchase fresh pomegranates in most grocery stores from September through January. When refrigerated in a plastic bag, pomegranates keep for up to 2 months. Try tossing the seeds on a salad for a brilliantly colorful, crunchy, and nutritious addition.
Seeding a pomegranate may seem like a lot of work for just a piece of fruit but think again. getting at those seeds may be well worth it. The pomegranate is a nutrient dense food source rich in phytochemical compounds. Pomegranates contain high levels of flavonoids and polyphenols, potent antioxidants offering protection against heart disease and cancer. A glass of pomegranate juice has more antioxidants than green tea, blueberries, and cranberries.
Amazing Clinical Results
This fantastic little fruit recently made its way back into the news after some spectacular clinical results. Here's what you need to know:
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
The New Dirty Dozen: 12 Foods to Eat Organic!
By Dan Shapley
The benefits of eating organic food go straight to the farm, where no pesticides and chemical fertilizers are used to grow the organic produce shipped to grocers. That means workers and farm neighbors aren't exposed to potentially harmful chemicals, it means less fossil fuel converted into fertilizers and it means healthier soil that should sustain crops for generations to come.
For individuals, organic food also has benefits. Eating organic means avoiding the pesticide residue left on foods, and it may even mean more nutritious varietals, though research into that subject has yielded mixed results. While there are few if any proven health impacts from consuming trace quantities of pesticides on foods, a growing number of people take the precaution of avoiding exposure just in case, particularly in the cases of pregnant women (growing babies are exposed to most of the chemicals that mom consume) and the parents of young children.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Social Anxiety - Learning to Cope with the Effects!
Social anxiety is a form of anxiety that may leave someone inept to socialize within the public. This may occur for a variety of reasons, but understanding what it is and how it effects you, will in-time give you the ability to overcome it. This article explains what social anxiety is, how it may relate to you, and tips for overcoming it. Hopefully, after reading this article you will be able to face your fears and overcome social isolation.
It may not be easy for everyone to socialize with others as the norm of being alone may seem like a behavior that is not within your comfort level. For others, socializing may seem second nature as it just occurs naturally and without hesitation.
Would you consider yourself someone who shies away from socializing with others within the public? Do you fear meeting others, or find yourself more entertained while being alone? If you answered yes to any one of the above questions you may suffer from a form of anxiety called anti-social anxiety. If you find that you have these feelings of ineptitude, here are a couple of tips to help you eliminate your anti-social tendencies.
Fat Found to Accelerate Aging Process!
Washington Post Staff Writer
Scientists have produced the first direct evidence that fat accelerates aging, possibly speeding the unraveling of crucial genetic structures inside cells that wither with age.
A team of researchers from the United States and Britain found that the more people weigh, the older their cells appear on a molecular level, with obesity adding the equivalent of nearly nine years of age to a person's body.
The findings suggest that many health problems associated with being overweight -- heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis -- may result from fat cells hastening the natural aging process.
"We've known obesity increases your risk of
Friday, 8 March 2013
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Anti-Aging Food Pyramid!
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Making the Food Pyramid Work for You!
To make it a little easier to see what you should be including in your diet to make it healthy, nutrition experts have come up with the concept of the food pyramid. The idea is to eat more foods from the shelves which are larger and less from those which are smaller.
Scroll over the food pyramid to see how many servings you should be eating a day from the various groups.
- Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods
- Fruit and vegetables
- Milk and dairy foods
- Meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
The anti-aging secrets experts use !
1. Choose antioxidants.
Antioxidants are among the most highly recommended ingredients for skincare products. Most dermatologists consider antioxidants in moisturizers essential to target the damage caused by free radicals and help prevent future damage to our skin cells. Just as antioxidants are recommended for the skincare products we apply topically, they are also recommended for the foods we eat! Foods rich in anti-oxidants, including vitamins C and E, are a must for aging skin. Green tea, fruits, and dark chocolate are among the antioxidant-rich foods that help
Health Benefits of Potassium !
By: Suzanne VanDeGrift
Potassium is a mineral that's needed to keep our body's pH in balance. It's also essential for maintaining the body's normal fluid balance. And, without proper potassium levels, healthy muscle growth, and a healthy nervous system and brain function are not possible. It's also a key element in the process of converting blood sugar to glycogen. Most of our body's potassium is found in our cells, but a small percentage is found in the blood. Potassium can be found in a variety of foods; fresh fruits and vegetables, bananas, oranges and potatoes are very high in potassium; nuts, fish, milk and dry beans are also good sources of potassium.
That being said. How many of us actually eat a well balanced diet, with proper pyramid meals and healthy snacks? We have good intentions, but the reality is our lifestyles dictate that we often eat on the run. It's easier to stop at the closest fast food restaurant and pick up something that's not particularly healthy. That big cheeseburger and fries isn't going to provide much potassium; fat yes, potassium no. Supplements are very important with many of our vitamin and mineral needs, potassium is no exception. A natural herb supplement will ensure proper potassium levels even when we fall short of eating that proper diet we know we should be eating.
Saturday, 2 March 2013
The 8 Wonders Of Matcha Green Tea!
by Dr. Sara Solomon P.T., DMD
If you're not drinking matcha green tea yet, you're behind the times! Get with the program and try this metabolism-enhancing, stress-reducing, immune-boosting, cholesterol-lowering, teenage-mutant-ninja cancer fighter!
Although people drank green tea in China more than 1,000 years ago, it became an important part of the Japanese culture. They named the tea matcha. Zen Buddhist monks drank it to remain alert and calm during long hours of meditation.
Japanese tea leaves grow in the shade to increase chlorophyll content. These chlorophyll-rich leaves are then handpicked, steamed, dried and ground into a fine green powder.
The history and cultivation of the tea is interesting, but what matters most to health enthusiasts is its antioxidant content. One cup of matcha green tea has as many antioxidants as 10 cups of regular tea! That's almost exactly the same ratio to the "spider strength" Peter Parker gets when he puts on his suit!
Fit To A Tea
The tea's power is so super because entire leaves are dissolved in water rather than steeped in bags. Instead of throwing away the leaves, you ingest all their antioxidant powers.
Those numbers are off the charts. Matcha green tea possesses antioxidant levels 6.2 times that of goji berries, 7 times that of dark chocolate, 17 times that of wild blueberries and 60.5 times that of spinach! Holy St. Francis, Batman!
And that's not all! Matcha's magnificence makes a long list
The Mega Benefits of Omega-3's
By Liza Barnes, Health Educator
These Healthy Fats Belong in Everyone's Diet
In a college nutrition class I took back in the 90’s, I overheard a classmate boasting to a small group about how she only ate fat-free food. Most of America was still in the clutches of the fat-free craze, and my classmate’s views weren’t at all uncommon. Dietary fat was being blamed for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and many other impairments of health. But instinctively, I thought that banning fat was a bad idea—I just didn’t have the facts to back up my theory. Now, a decade later, research is proving my hunch—that some types of fat can actually prevent disease and improve health. The key lies in a general understanding of fats, and in knowing which fats to emphasize in your diet.
The Fat Family Tree
The family of fat is very complex, so to make it less confusing, picture it as a family tree. At the top, there are two different families of fat—saturated fat and unsaturated fat. Saturated fat (butter is one example) is packed with hydrogen atoms, making it solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fat (like olive oil) contains fewer hydrogen atoms, so it is
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
10 Health Benefits of Zinc!
By Kris Chan
Ten reasons why you should pay attention to foods high in zinc.
Health Benefits of Zinc
Zinc is usually the last mineral name you will find in a box of multivitamin supplements. But that doesn’t mean that it is the last needed nutrient for the body. In fact, it is an essential micro-mineral found in all body parts and is vital for the healthy activity of all the body’s system. The activity of about 300 enzymes relies on zinc to get them moving.
1. Strengthens immune system
Zinc is known to prevent or shorten the duration of colds due to its ability to strengthen the immune system where it demonstrated to enhance white blood cell functions. People with low zinc supply are known to experience increased susceptibility to a variety of infectious organisms.
The Benefits of Organic Clothing!
By: Brenda Hoffman
Regardless as to whether or not you are concerned with the environment, there are still a lot of benefits to wearing organic clothing. You may not even be aware of all of these benefits yet. Nevertheless, once you do learn about these things you will probably want to make sure that you add some of this type of clothing to your wardrobe. You may even choose to completely redo your wardrobe with nothing but organic clothing.
There are actually many different materials that organic clothing can be made from. These materials include hemp, soy, wool, cotton and bamboo, just to name a few. In order to figure out which material is best for you, there are some things that you need to know:
1.Soy feels a lot smoother than cashmere. It is also a lot more durable and can be dyed many different colors.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Myth or Fact: Brown Sugar is Better than White Sugar!
White sugar and brown sugar are two of the most commonly used types. Many people assume that brown sugar is more nutritional than white sugar, simply because the brown version of certain kinds of food, such as rice, bread and pasta, are more beneficial to health than the white version.
The Difference between White and Brown Sugar
Raw sugar comes from sugar cane, and it is a little brown when it is formed. It appears brownish because of the presence of molasses. Manufacturers of sugar will bleach the sugar to remove the molasses, and this makes the sugar white. Brown sugar is produced by adding molasses back to the white sugar. The difference in taste between white and brown sugar is actually the taste of molasses, which will be milder in light brown sugar and stronger in darker brown sugar. Compared to white sugar, brown sugar has a sweeter and richer taste. It also has a moist and clumpy texture, which is different from the dry and grainy texture of white sugar.
Foods and drinks that help cleanse the body!
by Alicia French
During the time of year when everyone falls back on the healthy wagon and promises to eat better, lose weight and exercise more, it seems fitting to give your body an extra boost when it comes to getting all the built up toxins out of our bodies.
Give your body a boost
Our bodies have a pretty impressive ability to clear out the junk, but environmental toxins, excess alcohol, caffeine and processed foods can still take a toll. When the body's cleansing processes are overwhelmed, it often results in fatigue, brain fog, a depressed immune system or even some serious diseases.
Trimming the fat
If you are trying to lose weight, cleansing is even more important. Many of the toxins we are exposed to daily through the food we eat and the air we breathe are stored away in our fat. This is our body's way of protecting itself from the many elements that can cause anything from fatigue to cancer. When you start losing weight, you are essentially breaking up the fat and releasing the toxins right back into your blood stream. A good cleanse can even help you lose weight more efficiently.
Sunday, 24 February 2013
10 Best Foods To Make You Happier & Keep You Healthy!
by Gregory Arden
We’ve all had a rotten mood. For many people, eating food (such as junk food) can make their health worse; which only worsens their mood.
But what if there was food that was healthy, and could also act as a natural anti-depressant? There are foods that meet those qualifications! Here are the 10 best foods, that will make you happy, and keep you healthy:
1. Coconuts
Despite the fact that coconuts are most commonly found in unhealthy desserts, coconuts do contain medium-chain triglycerides. Medium-chain triglycerides are special fats that fuel better moods and promote general brain-health. Note: Coconut milk, on the other hand, is actually pretty unhealthy. Stick with unsweetened coconut shavings.
2. Eggs
Eggs contain moderate-to-large amounts of Zinc, Vitamin B, Iodine, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and protein. Not only can eggs keep you energized, they can also keep you full (stomach-wise) for longer! A 2008 study in the “International Journal of Obesity” found that people who had eggs for breakfast lost considerably more weight, compared to those who ate bagels for breakfast.
5 Great Reasons to Study Human Development !
By Kendra Cherry, Guide
Are you thinking about taking a class in development? Whether you want to take just one course or devote your entire education to studying the topic, there are plenty of great reasons to learn more about human development. If you are majoring in psychology, education or a medical field, some background knowledge of how people grow and change throughout life is essential. In addition to gaining a better understanding of others, studying human development can also provide greater personal insight.
1. Studying development helps you better understand yourself
We were all kids once, so learning more about how children develop and grow can provide additional insight in the person you have become. Studying development can also help you learn more about your future. By understanding the aging process, you'll be better prepared when you face issues associated with growing older.
Saturday, 23 February 2013
How to Improve Your Memory- tip #2 - Make time for friends and fun!
When you think of ways to improve memory, do you think of “serious” activities such as wrestling with the New York Times crossword puzzle or mastering chess strategy, or do more lighthearted pastimes—hanging out with friends or enjoying a funny movie—come to mind? If you’re like most of us, it’s probably the former. But countless studies show that a life that’s full of friends and fun comes with cognitive benefits.
Healthy relationships: the ultimate memory booster?
Humans are highly social animals. We’re not meant to survive, let alone thrive, in isolation. Relationships stimulate our brains—in fact, interacting with others may be the best kind of brain exercise.
Research shows that having meaningful relationships and a strong support system are vital not only to emotional health, but also to brain health. In one recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, for example, researchers found that people with the most active social lives had the slowest rate of memory decline.
How to Improve Your Memory- tip #1 - Don't skimp on exercise or sleep
A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brain. Whether you're a student studying for final exams, a working professional interested in doing all you can to stay mentally sharp, or a senior looking to preserve and enhance your grey matter as you age, there are lots of things you can do to improve your memory and mental performance.
Harnessing the power of your brain
They say that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old adage simply isn’t true. The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change—even into old age. This ability is known as neuroplasticity. With the right stimulation, your brain can form new neural pathways, alter existing connections, and adapt and react in ever-changing ways.
The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory.
Friday, 22 February 2013
By Stephanie Relfe & Michael Relfe
Anti aging is possible. The body is designed to heal and repair itself with the aid of proper nutrition. The body requires two vital materials to complete this - energy and raw material. These two requirements are needed to maintain the cell's proper functions. The body is made up of cells and all cells are living. All living things need food. Each cell needs the proper food to keep it strong. Cells die and replace themselves at various intervals. To understand anti-aging, understand that when a cell replaces itself it has three options that it can replace itself with:
1. A cell may replace itself with a weaker cell each time. A cell will do this if it hasn't had the right nutritional foods available to it. This process is called degeneration.
2. A cell can replace itself with the same strength cell. This means the body doesn't improve. That is, you have a chronic condition.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
The 10 Keys to Good Health Are in Your Hands!
Do you want to
✓ have more energy?
✓ look better?
✓ lower your chances of getting sick?
✓ keep your family healthy?
1. Keep Physically Active
• Find an activity you enjoy and do it regularly.
• Some ideas include dancing, swimming, riding bikes, playing basketball, and walking.
• Remember, exercising with your family can be fun.
2. Eat Well
• Eat six servings of rice, bread, cereal, or noodles every day.
• Eat five fruits and vegetables every day.
• Eat moderate amounts of meats and low-fat dairy foods.
• Eat less fat, sugar, and salt.
Monday, 18 February 2013
4 Reasons Why You Need To Take Cold Showers!
By: Fredrik P.
A friend of mine is 45 years old, has no gray hair, and very good skin for her age. I wanted to find out if there was anything in her routine that could have been a reason for such youthful looks for her age (all without any surgery by the way!). Leaving genetics out of the equation for a moment, the one interesting thing that popped up was the fact that she takes a cold shower every morning. So I did a little research about the subject and found 4 main benefits that you gain by taking cold showers.
Now when I say cold shower, I want to clarify exactly what I mean by that. Taking a full cold shower, meaning no hot or warm or lukewarm water at all, is borderline torture! Especially in the cold winter months (I am from Montreal, and it is VERY cold here!). Besides, there are many benefits to taking a warm shower, the primary one being that it feels really good! But seriously, what I mean in this context, is the practice of starting with a warm shower, and ending the last few minutes with cool to cold water. Here are the benefits that you gain by incorporating a cold shower into your shower routine:
3 Powerful Breathing Relaxation Techniques
One of the most powerful ways to relieve tension and bring peace into your being is with breathing relaxation techniques. Working with your breath is effective, convenient, and free. Let's explore how to use the breath to bring a state of deep relaxation, profound peace, and well being into the body.
Breathing is essential to life. We cannot exist without breathing. And yet, most of us do not know how to breathe correctly.
you will learn the following 3 powerful breathing relaxation techniques:
- The Complete Breath
- Abdominal or Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Alternate Nostril Breath